Designed to handle the severe mine wall and ceiling scaling jobs, the Leading Edge Attachments, Inc.’s Multi-Scaler™ is an engineering breakthrough! The Multi-Scaler uses the same technology as the award winning Multi-Ripper™ and can be used for tough material scaling applications such as limestone and other mining applications where surfaces must be scaled to increase safety prior to drilling for blasting. This unique patent pending design has demonstrated that it can scale 10 times faster than using a single pointed Scaler pick, and 4 times faster than a hydraulic hammer! The new Multi-Scaler is machine class sized so that it can be designed to fit any excavator or mechanical scaling machine above 30,000 pounds. Patented in all North American and other countries.
The Multi-Scaler utilizes the patent pending SharcTM Technology which results in the unit functioning similarly to that of a trencher except it uses the hydraulic excavator or mechanical scaler rolling action to rip. The staggered Scaler picks fracture the substrate in sequential order. No two Scaler picks align with each other, so that the maximum breakout force is applied sequentially to each pick. The castle top shape grooves cut by the front Scaler picks facilitates the fracturing process of the next swipe. The rolling of the Multi-Scaler, by extending the cylinder, always provides the full multiplied breakout force individually on each pick so that the substrate is ripped out by each individual pick lifting action. The result is a relatively flat wall or ceiling due to the fact that the Scaler pick tips all lie on a constant radius with a center of rotation that is close to the mechanical scaler or hydraulic excavator arm pivot. The Multi-Scaler also does not leave fractured material behind like some hydraulic hammers or vibratory devices. This leaves the wall or ceiling in a safer condition. The Multi-Scaler will function, and greatly exceed, any application, or material, that a single pointed Scaler pick can be used for.
With the Multi-Scaler positioned near the wall or ceiling rolled back, use a combination of rolling and crowd cylinder functions while providing boom cylinder pressure. The rolling cylinder action provides the greatest force while the stick sweeps. Since no two picks are in alignment, when the Multi-Scaler is rolled, each pick engages separately so that each pick fractures adjacent to the groove cut by the preceding pick. Roll the Multi-Scaler completely as the stick is being moved so that all picks have engaged the material. The Multi-Scaler is to be rolled as the stick is moved, thus causing a very powerful, fast and effective and productive ripping motion that is easy on the machine and operator.
Made with Hardox 400 or 450

i. The Multi-Scaler is 4 times faster than a hydraulic hammer. Because the hydraulic hammer has one speed (tink-tink-tink), the amount of material breaking is at one rate. With the Multi-Scaler, after one pick breaks out some material, the second pick is there ready to strike, and then the third. With the combination of the rolling of the bucket cylinder and the raking of the stick cylinder, the operation becomes very fast. Many operators have testified that for use in fragmented rock like limestone, and similar materials, that the Multi-Scaler outperforms the hydraulic hammer 4 to 1!
ii. The Multi-Scaler is cheaper to operate than a hydraulic hammer. A hydraulic hammer requires maintenance. There are multiple hydraulic components, there are hydraulic fittings and hoses, and the tools, or “moil” has to be replaced, there is “down time” with a hydraulic hammer. With the Multi-Scaler there are no moving parts and the picks are the only wear items. These picks are usually set up so that they are the same pick connection as what exists on the excavator bucket itself, so they are readily available.
iii. The Multi-Scaler is one tenth the price of a hydraulic hammer. A hammer for an 80,000 pound size class machine could run between $75,000 and $100,000. The Multi-Scaler price for that machine is only $7,656. The operator can set their machine up with a hydraulic kit for a hydraulic hammer. When those infrequent situations occur when the material is a solid mass that is not fragmented, the operator can rent a hydraulic hammer for that solid portion only. Since the Multi-Scaler will handle the majority of the ledge and fractured rock applications, the hydraulic hammer will be rarely required.
iv. The mine will make more money with the Multi-Scaler than the hydraulic hammer. If one compares the price of the hammer, the maintenance, the down time and the functionality into account, it is easy to see that the Multi-Scaler will net the mine more income
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